Need a Refund?

Beverage Vending Refund Policy

To request a refund, for purchases made with cash or debit/credit transactions, please complete the form below within 3 business days of your stated date of loss.

Certification of Claim

I certify that the refund request I have submitted is accurate and true as stated.

I further acknowledge that if a review determines that this refund was not valid, that upon notification, I will return the refunded portion to Vendngo. Failure to comply may result in all available remedies being exercised, including but not limited to legal prosecution.

Vending Refund Policy

-Any refund request submitted may be subject to review at our discretion.

-Refund requests may be submitted for up to but no later than 3 days past the stated date of loss.

-Each item must be submitted on a single vending refund request form form, no bundling of claims for multiple days will be honored at any of the vending refund locations.

-All required fields of information on the vending refund request from must be completed or the refund will not be referred for review.

-Barring unforeseen circumstances, refund decisions should be made available within 1-4 business days past the completion date of the form.

-Proof of identification (such as a Driver’s License or Passport) will be required to submit a refund request.